Syllabus all programmes

Related Orders
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch. Degree Programme) 

Regulations, Manual, Curriculum (Programme structure) and Syllabus 2019 – 20 Admission Onwards

B.Arch 2011-  Regulation

Related Orders

1.  4737  /AcA4/2021/MGU dated 18.09.2021

2.  1554  /AcA4/2022/MGU dated 16.02.2022

3. 1300 /AcA4/2021/MGU dated 03.03.2021

Master of Architecture (M.Arch. Programme) 

Regulation, Scheme, Curriculum and Syllabus (from 2019 admission onwards)

Regulation,Scheme,Curriculum and Syllabus 2023


LLB Syllabus

Related Orders

1. 4990  /ACA4/2022/MGU   dated 11.05.2022

2. 10837 /ACA4/2022/MGU dated 26.10.2022

LLM Syllabus

 LLM ( Branch I-Commercial Law, Branch II- Criminal Law) Programme (2021 Admission Onwards ) Regulation , Scheme & syllabus                 

  Regulation, Scheme & Syllabus (2021-2022) -Ist Semester common


New Syllabus, Scheme & Regulations of MHRM Full Time Course 2018 Admission onwards

Syllabus for Dual Post Graduate Diploma Course In Organic Certification

Related Orders

1.  4206  /ACA4/2021/MGU dtd 27.08.2021

2.  2807  /ACA4/2021/MGU dtd 22.06.2021

3.  2947  /ACA4/2021/MGU dtd 28.06.2021

4. 236 /ACA4/2023/MGU dtd 09.01.2023


B.Ed. (2 year, CSS). Degree Programme

Reviewed syllabus of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Two year degree programme (CSS with grading, w.e.f. July 2018) 

University Order

Syllabus of B.Voc. Degree Programmes

Metallurgy Syllabus Semester 7

MEd Regulations 2015

Syllabus BA Criminology LLB Prior to 2015

B.Ed. Special Education  (Learning Disability) Programme

MBA III rd & IVth Semesters (2015 Admission)-approval Of elective and syllabus revision-U.O

Scheme And Syllabi For Btech Metalllurgy Semesters VI to VIII

Scheme And Syllabi For B. Tech.  In Naval Architecture And Ship Building Engineering (2013-Admission onwards) Semesters I to VIII



BBA 4th Semester

M.Tech Degree Programme In Civil Engineering (2013 Admission Onwards)

M.Tech Degree Programme In Information Technology(2013 Admission Onwards)

M.Tech Degree Programme In Computer Science And Engineering(2013 Admission Onwards)

M.Tech Degree Programme In Electronics And Communication Engineering(2013 Admission Onwards)

M.Tech Degree Programme In Electrical And Electronics Engineering(2013 Admission Onwards)

M.Tech Degree Programme In Mechanical Engineering(2013 Admission Onwards)

M.Sc Applied Fisheries And Aquaculture (2012 Admn)

M.Sc Food and Industrial Microbiology (2013 Admn)

M.Scom International Bussiness (2014 Admn)

Regulations, scheme and syllabus for  the degree of Master of Applied Science in Biomedical Instrumentation

M Tech Scheme, Syllabus-II Semester- 2013 Admission

Regulation, scheme and syllabus of Double degree MCA course (I semester to VI semester)

Revised Syllabus of MA History

M Sc Electronics III & IV Semester Scheme and  Syllabus

M Sc Electronics  II Semester Scheme and Syllabus

B.TECH – Naval Architecture and Ship Building Engineering

Ph.D Coursework Syllabus- Research Methodology

B.Tech students of 2010 and 2011 admissions are exempted from passing the I and II semester examination for promotion to the 8th semester(Revised)

I Semester M.Tech Scheme and Syllabus 2013 (Revised)

Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.Lib.I.Sc)

Scheme & Syllabus

BLISc Programme-Modified Scheme,Syllabus-Academic council decision-Order issued

CBCSS Syllabus (Old) – prior to 2017 admission (up to 2016-17 admission)

PG-CSS Syllabus

MBA Regulations

MBA (SMBS) – 2012 Admissions

B.Tech. Regulations, Scheme & Syllabus (Revised)-w.e.f 2010 admissions

B.Tech. – Regulation, Scheme & Syllabus w.e.f. (2002-2003 admission onwards)

M.Tech – Scheme & Syllabus

M.Tech Regulations

MCA Regulations

MCA IV Semester

MCA V Semester

III Semester MCA

MBA  Syllabus

MBA (Elective – Production and Operations Management)

B.Arch -I & II Semester 

B-Arch – III Semester 

B.Arch –  IV Semester

B.Arch V – X Semester