SBS-Appointment of Assistant Professor on Contract-Publishing of Rank List - reg
SPAP-Appointment of Assistant Professor on Contract-Publishing of Rank List - reg
IIRBS-Engagement of Assistant Professor on Contract-Publishing of Rank List-reg.
(IMPSS)-Engagement of Assistant Professor on Contract-Publishing of Ranklist
DASP-Temporary engagement of Programme Associate (Science) on contract-Publishing of Rank List -Reg
Ranklist for the selection of Senior Software Developer (on temporary contract basis)-reg
Rank list for the appointment of Clinic Technician on daily wage basis at SOBS
Graduate School - Appointment of Assistant Professor on Contract - Publishing of Rank List - Reg
Techncial Assistant (FE-SEM) - SAIF- on contract basis-Rank list-reg
NIPST- Temporary Engagement of Technical Assistant (on contract)-Publishing of Rank List-reg
Engagement of Assistant Professor on Contract at IMPSS-Rank list-publishing of-reg
Rank list for the post of TBI manager on contract at BIIC -reg
Rank List for the post of Assistant Professor on Contract at IIRBS
Fieldworker for the ANRF (SERB) project at M G University-Rank List-Publishing of-reg