Dr. K Pius

Reader (Theoretical Organic Chemistry)
M.Sc., Ph.D. (IISc., Bangalore)

Research Area:

Theoretical Organic Chemistry-Study of strained molecules, reactive intermediates and of
anti-vant Hoff geometries using quantum mechanical and force field methods.
Collaborating Institutions: NCL, Pune

Research Publications (selected)

1. Reaction of 2-formylbenzenesulphonyl chlorides with amiens: Experimental and theoretical studies on
the structures of 2-formylbenzenesulphonyl chloridesin solid,solution and gas phases,K.G.Rajeeve,
S.M. Sasidhar, K.Pius and M.V.Bhatt, Tetrahedron,50 (1994),5425.
2. Ab initio study of conjugative and negative hypreconjugative interactions in disubstituted radicals,
K.Pius, M.Jain and J.Chandrasekhar, J. Mol. Struct. (theohem.),361,(1996) 191.
3. Remarkably large cahtodative stabilization in radical ions, K.Piusand J.Chandrasekhar, J.Chem.Soc.
Chem.soc., chem. Commun. (1990) 41