Dr. A.S Padmanabhan
A.S Padmanabhan
A.S. Padmanabhan
Professor (Physical Chemistry)
B.Tech. (IIT Delhi), M.S. Ph.D. (Drexel University, USA)
Research Area: Computational and Mathematical Chemistry,
Random walks/self-avoiding walks, Random walks in random environments.
Research Grants from : DST, UGC , New Delhi
Research Publications (selected)
- Some enumeration theorems for self-avoiding walk. Daisy Joseph and A. S. Padmanabhan, IndianJ. Chem. 2000, 39A, 236
- Random walks strictly confined to a subspace. A. S. Padmanabhan Stat. Probability Lett., 2001, 53,299.
- Restricted Random Numbers of the First and Second Kind A.S.Padmanabhan, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Vol. 3. No. 2. (2004) 155-162
- A S Padmanabhan and Susamma Jacob Self avoiding walk trees and laces journal of Mathematical Chemistry Volume 52,Issue 2 (2014) pp 627-645 DO110.1007/210910-013-0283-z
- A S Padmanabhan Growing Self avoiding walk trees.Journal of Mathematical Chemistry.Jan 2014 Vol.52,Issue 1 pp 355-367.DO110.1007/210910-013-0267-z