Prof. Sabu Thomas, former Vice Chancellor and Director of the International and Inter-University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Mahatma Gandhi University, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the prestigious Mines-Télécom Institute (IMT) in France. The recognition is in honour of his distinguished contributions to the advancement of science, particularly in the field of biobased polymers for environmental and energy applications on a global scale.
Deputy Executive Director Vincent Charvillat presented the Doctorate to Prof. Sabu Thomas in a ceremony held at IMT’s headquarters in Albi, France. IMT Director General Cécile Dubarry, Director Lionel Luquin, Prof. Ange Nzihou, Prof. Yves Grohens, and Prof. Alain Dufresne were among the distinguished attendees.
During the event, Prof. Sabu Thomas also delivered a lecture titled “New Opportunities in Sustainable and Green Bio-Nano Materials and Their Polymer Bio-Nanocomposites.”
Prof. Sabu Thomas currently serves as the Chairman of the Trivandrum Engineering Science & Technology Research Park and Director of the School of Energy Materials and the School of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Mahatma Gandhi University.