Keeping valuation completed answer papers in godown with proper arrangements -sanctioned order
BVoc courses-2016 admission-grace marks -formation of committee reg:-sanctioned order
Examination time schedule as per new college timings-reg:-sanctioned order
Releaving teachers from colleges for valuation camps reg:-sanctioned order
BVOC(new scheme)-CBCSS(regular/private)-HVSS valuation camp formation reg:-sanctioned order
Time bound publication of exam calendar -syndicate decision reg:- sanctioned order
Issuing certificates for teachers-for the preparation of schemes for valuation -sanctioned order
Authorizing DR VIII, AR XVIII, SO EN 1 for visiting Camps reg:-
Meeting held on 24.11.2020 regarding to conduct of various examinations-minutes approved.
Meeting held on 20.11.2020 with Principals of Govt/Aided colleges-minutes approved-order.
Work rearrangements of EI IV , EI XX to other B.Tech sections reg:- sanctioned order